Ohhhh rindu, rindu dia yang seorang itu. Rindu dia yang seorang itu yang bernama seorang ayah.
" Ayah demam la Ja, sakit-sakit joint. Runny nose. Ada apa-apa diagnos tak doc? "
" Ja cibek ayah kena infection"
Few days later
" Ayah p jumpak doktor tadi, and dia bagi antibiotik"
"Haaaa! Told ya! You got an infection"
"Waaaa, haaa. betoi-betoi"
"Hehe *kening double jerk* . Terar dak"
"Terar terar. Alah. Ja habaq pandai ambik blood pressure hari tuh pon ayah dah seronok dah. The same feeling that I felt during the day when you shouted at me and say
'Ayah, Ja pandai dah naik basikal'
'Ayah, Ja dapat 5A' "
*me gone sebak*
Oh, how time flies. Miss those moment when we used to crawl on his bed after late night of scary movie. Miss those moments when we (the sibings) used to fight each to take turn who were suppose to sleep beside you that night. Miss every single moments with you. May Allah protect you always Ayah. Words cant define how much do I love you :')
ok sebak jugak T____T
eh ada ribut pasir masuk mata ke malam-malam ni?
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